Moms with Difficult Relationships with Their own Moms.

Motherhood is Tough,

Especially Without Your Own Mom to Help

In my practice, I help moms who feel disconnected, judged or detached from their own moms find confidence and peace in motherhood while working through deep rooted painful familial relationships. My clients often feel shame and sadness. Having their own child is leading to increased feelings of resentment and disappointment in their own families. Despite being successful, empathic, and well prepared for motherhood, my clients all have a similar frustration - parenting is hard, especially without the support they need from their own parents and siblings.

My clients struggle with the relationships they have with their own families and recognize the huge impact this has on them and their partners during pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting. 

When they first come in, my clients feel unsupported, alone and judged for mothering in the way they want, which looks a lot different than how they were parented. They feel like they can’t relate to others in their own families and that their skills as a parent are not consistent with their own high standards they meet in other areas of their lives. They don’t know who to turn to for support and guidance when their own families don’t feel in alignment with their values and parenting style. They know they should not compare themselves to what they see on instagram, but they find it impossible not to. Their feelings of being the black sheep as a daughter, partner and mother get in the way of the life they want.

My clients are cycle breakers who want better relationships with their children than they had with their own families.

My clients know they want to break unhealthy, toxic patterns they grew up with, but they don’t have the support or confidence they need to make these changes. My clients are struggling with setting healthy boundaries and finding their own identities.

Before they came to see me, they felt shame, insecure, and unworthy of getting or needing support. They worried about what others would think if they actually knew about the painful relationships they have with their families.

Symptoms of depression and anxiety were resurfacing, especially with the added stressors of parenting and sleep deprivation. They are let down and disappointed after hoping their own family would change after baby arrived.

Like my current clients, you are a cycle breaker who deserves to find freedom from unhealthy relationships and find confidence in the new direction you have for yourself and your family. You deserve to feel capable and confident in changing the direction of your own family.

Imagine improving self-compassion by uncovering the root causes of painful feelings, You are not alone, we can do this together.


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