My Services

Pregnant woman on couch holding her belly. Representing Alexa Levine's Therapy practice.
Icon of a woman resting her head on her legs.


Virtual Therapy throughout California.

You’ve tried everything you can think of to feel better, but nothing’s sticking.

Plant with sun in the background icon.

Maybe you’ve been to therapy before, but you’re still feeling stuck, anxious, or unable to make decisions for yourself and your family.


Frustrated by self-doubt and uncertainty about how to make decisions

Disconnected from your family, your partner, and yourself.

Overwhelmed by the impossible expectations of motherhood.

I will support you in making the changes you want.

Abstract bird icon.
Woman holding her newborn baby with warmth and comfort.

In Therapy I utilize Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Strength-based Techniques to maximize the benefits.

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a therapeutic modality aimed at assisting clients in recognizing and uncovering their own values, beliefs and goals. As your therapist I will ask specific, guided, intentional questions to assist you in uncovering your own values, beliefs and goals and begin to create space between what others want for you and your family and what you yourself actually want for yourself and your family. I believe this technique is critical in helping clients strengthen self esteem, feel more confident about decision making and gain a greater sense of self compassion. Clients are often deeply changed when they begin to recognize unhealthy thought patterns and examine the extent external pressures (including family, social media, society) has impacted their decisions and goals. Motivational interviewing is key to allowing clients to identify their own goals and increase confidence, self compassion and clarity.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic modality with specific interventions including identifying cognitive distortions and use specific techniques including thought logs, journaling and creating daily schedules to reduce symptoms including depression and anxiety. I find that CBT is helpful for assisting clients in creating healthy boundaries, identifying coping skills, and gaining insight into triggers. However I believe that CBT often does not examine root causes of why these thoughts and feelings exist, which is why I utilize additional treatment methods including Motivational Interviewing and Strength Based Therapy to allow clients to dig deeper into the origin of their belief system. This allows them to benefit from greater understanding and insight of their own thoughts and feelings as well as build useful, practical, and powerful coping skills to manage them.

Strength Based Therapy is a therapeutic modality based in positive psychology that allows clients to identify existing positive coping skills and traits they already have and encourages them to identify how to use these skills in multiple areas of their lives. Strength based therapy empowers clients and increases self esteem, self worth and confidence. This is especially helpful to clients who are new to mothering and often feel inadequate and unprepared. I used strength based therapy techniques to assist clients in identifying positive coping skills they are already using and can leverage into their new roles as mothers.


Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you can heal with the right support.

My Specialties

  • Pregnant woman wearing a yellow dress holding her belly. Alexa Levine specializes in therapy during pregnancy.


    • Navigating feelings and stressors related to pregnancy

    • Fear of labor and delivery

    • History of traumatic birth

    • Navigating difficult pregnancy symptoms

    • Managing depression and anxiety while pregnant

  • Woman laying on a bed with her baby. Alexa Levine specializes in therapy for new moms.


    • Navigating sleep deprivation

    • Managing resentment and difficult relationships with your partner

    • Becoming the default parent

    • Setting boundaries with family and friends

    • Reducing guilt, shame, postpartum depression, and postpartum anxiety

  • Woman kissing her son, both wearing yellow, Alexa Levine specializes in therapy for moms with young children.

    Parenting Young Children

    • Parenting two under two

    • Difficult relationships with your own mom

    • Cycle breaking

    • Stress management

    • Coping skills

Your Story is Welcome Here.

Alexa Levine Therapy written in modern font as logo.



A mom holding her son in a field looking at a mountain. Alexa Levine specializes in therapy for moms of young children.

$230 per 50 minute session

Please note I do not accept insurance and my practice is not in network with any insurance companies. I am considered an out of network provider and I am happy to provide superbills upon request. For more information on using out of network benefits please see below:

Out Of Network Benefits

In many cases, clients with PPO insurance plans may be eligible to use their out-of-network insurance benefits. You will be responsible for paying each session in full at the time of the appointment. Upon your request,

I can provide a receipt ("Superbill") that you can submit to your insurance for partial reimbursement. I recommend contacting your insurance directly and ask them how to send the Superbills to them. Once you submit the Superbills, you will wait for reimbursement via check.

I have partnered with Mentaya to help clients use their out-of-network benefits to save money on therapy. Use this tool below to see if you qualify for reimbursement for my services.


Therapy gives you the tools to build insight, gain self-compassion, and find clarity to become who you are.

Together we will dig deep and let go of limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you.


Imagine a life where…

  • You feel confident in who you are.

  • You feel connected to your partner and chosen family.

  • You’re mothering in a way that is in alignment with your values.

  • Your past no longer controls you.

Mom and her daughter laying down and looking at each other smiling. Alexa Levine specializes in therapy for moms of young children in California.

Change is possible.