You don’t have to love every season of motherhood to be a great mom.

Hey, I’m Alexa Levine, LMFT

I am a San Diego based caffeine dependent mom of two. I’ve been through the trenches of motherhood, dealt with postpartum depression and anxiety, and I’m all about normalizing the messy, hard parts. You're allowed to hate parts (or all) of motherhood—and still be a great mom.

I’m here to help you navigate motherhood without losing your sanity—and without unsolicited advice. My focus is on you.

Whether you’re grieving your old freedom or finding yourself again, this space is for you to be real—no Supermom act required.

Alexa Levine, LMFT therapist for burnt out moms. Standing with her two boys.

My Pregnancy and Postpartum Journey

Recovering from preeclampsia, having a baby during a global pandemic and surviving postpartum depression and anxiety.

My oldest son was born on April 2, 2020, about two weeks after the COVID shutdown. During the weeks leading up to my son’s birth, I went to all of my appointments and non-stress tests alone and was told that my partner may or may not be present for the delivery or be allowed to enter the hospital at all. Having my doula there to support me was no longer an option, and since I had medical complications a birth center was also off the table since I did not qualify to deliver there. Things just got better and better…

I was also informed that my blood pressure was becoming increasingly concerning and that I would likely need to deliver early to avoid additional risks. A few days shy of 35 weeks pregnant, I was hospitalized due to preeclampsia. I was terrified especially as the hospital was locked down and I was unable to leave my room or have any visitors for any reason due to COVID risks, especially with my baby going to be born early. This began a week-long treatment of magnesium drips and IV blood pressure medications and a perfect recipe for birth trauma, postpartum depression and generally a shitty few years acclimating to Motherhood.

After a long several-day induction process my son was born and immediately taken to the NICU. Only one parent was allowed in the NICU at a time and my husband and I took turns visiting our son. I remember sitting next to my son’s crib in the NICU, pumping milk and crying. It was a completely out-of-body experience and never how I imagined spending my first week as a Mother. Let’s be honest; it sucked.

After he was discharged from the NICU after 8 days of treatment we returned home to an empty house. No family, no friends, and no community to support us. We were alone with a new baby and the world was shut down. And so began an extremely challenging, scary, and lonely postpartum experience.

The lack of support was so crippling until eventually, through my own therapy and healing, I learned to make peace with my own needs and grieve the birth and postpartum experience I missed out on. This included a lot of time for self-care, pursuing my own identity outside of being a mom, and spending time with my partner and friends without my baby. This was key to keeping my head above water and managing my postpartum depression and anxiety.

I know the value of learning what your needs are, making peace with them, and then learning how to meet them.

I welcome all parts of you- especially the ones that are not often considered worthy of love and compassion.

There is no such thing as TMI in therapy!

Plant with sun in background - icon for Alexa Levine Therapy.
Lecture hall chairs to represent the education that Alexa Levine, therapist, has completed.

Education and Training

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA LMFT #102352)

  • Masters Degree in Counseling with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy

  • Completed over 3,000 clinical hours

  • Over 10 years of seeing clients in clinical settings

  • Trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) 

  • Advanced Training in Perinatal Mental Health from Postpartum Support International

  • Being a badass Mom of Two!

Pregnant woman on couch with child, taking part in virtual therapy with Alexa Levine, therapist for moms in California.

Therapy with me is…

  • Each session is customized to each individual client to ensure to meet their specific needs.

  • I understand the key to effective therapy is the relationship between the client and therapist. I hold space for honest, difficult conversations as that is the key to healing.

  • Together we will dive deep into complex relationships in your life and find meaning, compassion and healing.

  • In order to truly create lasting powerful change it is vital we deep dive into difficult conversations. We can do this together by establishing a strong therapuetic relationship and going at your own pace.


Social media is full of lies, no wonder you’re feeling maxed out. Let’s tackle the guilt, burnout, and the BS expectations so you can stop feeling like a hot mess and start feeling like the badass mom you are. 💪🔥.

My Specialties

  • Pregnant woman in yellow dress holding her belly. Alexa Levine specializes in therapy during pregnancy.


    • Navigating feelings and stressors related to pregnancy

    • Fear of labor and delivery

    • History of traumatic birth

    • Navigating difficult pregnancy symptoms

    • Managing depression and anxiety while pregnant

  • Mom laying on a bed with infant baby. Alexa Levine specializes in therapy for new moms.


    • Navigating sleep deprivation

    • Managing resentment and difficult relationships with your partner

    • Becoming the default parent

    • Setting boundaries with family and friends

    • Reducing guilt, shame, postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety

  • Mom with her son both wearing yellow. Alexa Levine specializes in therapy for moms of young children.

    Parenting Young Children

    • Parenting two under two

    • Difficult relationships with your own mom

    • Cycle breaking

    • Stress management

    • Coping skills

What Moms Like You Are Saying.

  • I have had the privilege of knowing Alexa Levine for several years and can confidently say she is an exceptional therapist. Alexa is not only highly skilled and professional but also incredibly caring and empathetic towards her patients. Her unwavering support and kindness have helped me navigate and articulate my own thoughts and process my journey effectively. As a mother herself, Alexa understands the complexity, feelings, and expectations placed on us mothers and has helped me feel heard and appreciated as a mom. As a mom of three, a wife, and juggling a full-time job, I always feel uplifted and grateful after sessions with Alexa, appreciating her kindness and utmost professionalism.

    Danyel S.

  • Alexa is a wonderful therapist, she is a specialist in her field, knowledgeable, committed and caring. I refer any client that I know would benefit from her skills and expertise, and do so trusting that she’ll be effective, helpful, and a great connection.

    Kathia A.

  • As a LMFT myself, I hold Alexa in very high regard. She is one of the most intelligent and insightful people I have ever met. She cares deeply about her clients and the partnership that she provides them, and I always/highly recommend her for clients seeking help with motherhood.

    Auria Z.

  • As a fellow therapist, I wholeheartedly recommend Alexa. Her passion to create a supportive environment for mothers, coupled with her compassionate and relatable approach, makes her an exceptional therapist. It is clear that Alexa genuinely cares for each of her clients. I have no hesitation in referring her to anyone seeking meaningful and effective therapy.

    Amanda R.

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Your Needs Matter, Too.

Icon of a woman resting her head on her legs. Alexa Levine Therapy Icon

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