You deserve the relationship you want with yourself.

I help moms who feel disconnected, overwhelmed, and overstimulated find confidence and peace in motherhood while working through deep rooted painful unmet needs. My clients often struggle with insecure attachment and feel shame, anxiety and sadness. Having their own child is leading to increased feelings of resentment, frustration and disappointment and confusion over their own identities as parents and partners.

Despite being successful, empathic, and well prepared for motherhood, my clients all have a similar frustration - parenting is hard, especially without the support they need from their own parents, partners and from themselves.


Meaningful, Safe, Collaborative, Nuturing, and Healing.

My Specialties

  • Pregnant woman wearing a yellow dress holding her belly. Alexa Levine specializes in therapy during pregnancy.


    Sometimes, pregnancy sucks. As a mom and a therapist, I often see how the journey to parenthood is a mix of intense excitement, stress, and crippling overwhelm.

    From intense physical changes, including relentless morning sickness to exhausting fatigue to increased strain on your relationship with your partner. It’s not just about the baby bump—your entire system is adjusting, which is especially challenging if you are also struggling with depression and anxiety.

    The pressure to “do it all perfectly” and to “enjoy every moment” is bullshit and sets us up for failure. I am here to help you shift through all the toxic positivity and find your way back to yourself.

    Seeking support is a sign of strength. Embracing pregnancy with self compassion will make this transition more manageable, meaningful and empowering. I am here to support you and to empower you to make your own decisions that are best for you and your family.

    Therapy provides a space to explore these emotions, gain clarity, and develop coping strategies.

    Embracing self-compassion and seeking help when needed can make this transformative time a bit smoother.

    Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being during pregnancy is as important as caring for your physical health. You’re not alone in this journey, and I am here to help you navigate the ups and downs of pregnancy with confidence and support.

  • Woman laying on a bed with her baby. Alexa Levine specializes in therapy for new moms.


    Postpartum is a complex time. It is exhausting, challenging and overwhelming.

    Postpartum is often an intense mix of joy, overwhelm and exhaustion. Hormonal changes, mood swings and demanding expectations lead to feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and detached. Together in therapy we will work together to create a realistic system that works for you.

    While your body is still recovering and adjusting from birth, Feeding challenges, Sleep deprivation, and managing a new routine (aka no routine) leads to decreased confidence and a sense of failing and inability to keep up. The bullshit pressure to “bounce back” both physically and emotionally makes self judgment and self criticism even more intense.

    Self-care, support and therapy is critical especially during the fragile postpartum period. Sharing your feelings, and having the space to be vulnerable is incredibly healing and key to increasing connection and reducing guilt and shame.

    Your mental health is just as important as your physical recovery. Navigating postpartum is tough, but you don’t have to do it alone. Reaching out for support is a sign of strength and a crucial step in taking care of yourself and your baby.

    Reach out today and lets work together to reduce feelings of guilt and shame and increase confidence and connection!

  • Parenting Young Children

    Parenting young kids is hard and comes with its own set of challenges with increased expectations on Moms. As a millennial therapist, I understand that balancing the demands of raising littles with everything else going on in your life can feel impossible and overwhelming.

    The sheer energy and patience required is intense. Young children are full of curiosity and boundless energy, and keeping up with them is exhausting. The constant need for supervision, overstimulation, and tantrums or meltdowns can leave you feeling drained and stretched thin, and then guilty for feeling that way.

    Then there’s the challenge of finding your own identity amidst the chaos. It’s easy to get lost in the role of "mom" and forget about your own needs and interests. This is a fast track set up for burn out and resentment. Balancing parenting with work, personal time, and maintaining relationships can be a juggling act that feels nearly impossible.

    Self-care isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Finding moments for yourself, whether it’s going out of your way to get your favorite latte, listening to your favorite podcast or going for a walk, can make a big difference. Seeking support isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a critical step towards maintaining your well-being.

    Parenting young children is challenging, and it’s also incredibly rewarding. Embracing the ups and downs with compassion for yourself and your family can help make the journey more manageable and enjoyable. You’re not alone in this, I am here to support you!

Yellow couch with warm pillows and a computer sitting on it. Alexa Levine is a virtual therapist for burnt out moms.
Icon of a woman laying down silhouetted.

In Our Sessions Together,
We Will…

  • Explore the relationship you have with your own wants and needs.

  • Examine what you believe a good mother is and if those beliefs are serving you.

  • Learn new coping skills, gain self compassion and learn to set clear boundaries with others.

You’re worth the investment.

My Core Values

Image of a desk with notebooks and planners. Alexa Levine offers a safe place for moms. Schedule a free consultation.
Icon of an abstract flower.
  • Growth

  • Safety

  • Authenticity

  • Honesty

  • Compassion

  • Depth

Let's Get Started

Let's Get Started